Multimedia Workshop: Legend of Ithaca’s Swan Remains a Mystery

Weird Ithaca Logo

Last fall, I took one of my senior Capstone courses at Ithaca College, Multimedia Journalism Workshop. The course is designed so that students partner with another member of the class each week to produce a story focused on a specific beat. For our final project, the class produced “Weird Ithaca,” a web publication that covered quirky food, culture, businesses, and history in Ithaca. I served as audio editor for the project where I worked with my classmates to tweak and perfect their audio stories.

I wrote and produced “Legend of Ithaca’s ‘Swan’ Remains an Unsolved Mystery” for the project with a partner. When we began to work on the story, we assumed we could easily find information at the county history center. We quickly learned that much of the community had never heard the story, and uncovering the origin of Ithaca’s “swan” story was practically impossible.

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